Pharaoh Menkaura (Mycerinus)

Pharaoh Menkaura/Mycerinus was the builder of the 3rd pyramid at Giza, Egypt. The triad of Menkaura represents the Pharaoh at center, wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt. To his right is the goddess Hathor. To his left is Waset representing the 4th Nome of Upper Egypt). This rendering is from a single block of stone. More statues survive of Menkaure than those of his 4th Dynasty predecessors.

Triad of Pharaoh Menkaura/Mycerinus, Egyptian Museum. Photo ©Leon Mauldin.

Pictured here is the Pyramid of Menkaura:

Pyramid of Menkaura/Mycerinus. Photo ©Leon Mauldin.

At left can be seen a portion of the pyramid of Cheops. To the far right are three subsidiary pyramids. Menkaure’s chief queen, Khamerernebty II, was entombed in the larger of the three.

And to close this post, a photo of my wife & me:

In the background can be seen from left to right, the pyramid of Cheops, Chephren and Menkaure.

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