Jesus and the Woman at the Well

I never tire of reading John 4, which narrates Jesus’ stop at Jacob’s well as He left Judea and was en route to Galilee. This was early in Jesus’ ministry, prior to the Galilean ministry. On this occasion He skillfully led an unnamed woman from the mundane task of coming to draw water, to a point of faith in Him as the Messiah. Additionally, it turned out that there were many in the area that became believers in him.

At nearby Mt. Gerizim, the mountain referenced by the woman as the place where the Samaritans worshiped (v.20), there is today the Samaritan Museum. There one can see a painting that points back to that day recorded in John’s Gospel.

Painting depicting Jesus and the Samaritan Woman of John 4. Photo by Leon Mauldin.

We are currently in Canada, speaking in a 6-day meeting at Jordan, Ontario.

4 Responses to Jesus and the Woman at the Well

  1. Barbara Holloway says:

    Are “we” speaking in the meeting, Bro. Mauldin? [?]


  2. Leon Mauldin says:

    Yes, “we” are here, but 1/2 of the “we” does her speaking out of the pulpit.


  3. John Maddocks says:

    It was a privilege to have you here in Canada, brother!


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